
Sunday, March 10, 2019

History of Immigration †Movie Gangs of New York Essay

Although Martin Scorseses 2002 painting Gangs of parvenu York purports to be an historic film which recounts ethnic based gang rivalries in 1863 overbold York City, the film relies to a great extent on poetic-license, accentuating madness and a typical Hollywood good versus vicious story-line, rather than delving into the diachronic specificities and realistic detail.While it is almost certainly true that Gangs captures the chilliness and mythopoetic spirit of the Statess ethnically diverse ago and the violence and tensions which seethed during the American Civil, it is equally true that the historical themes with which Gangs deals are of a secondary nature to its main thrust which is to produce a slick down, and lucrative film.So, tour the movie deals with a tremendously important historical stopover in American archives, the historical background is incidental to Scorseses bigger mental imagery of reminding Americans of their violent past 1 and, as such, the films viewpoints regarding immigration are abstraction from record and not representative of floor itself.That said, the films portrayal of immigration is to show it as a bloody, tremendously difficult process, a sort of pressure-cooker where the amalgam of cultures clashed in a violent soup, which, itself produced a unity through an altogether in the raw culture, an American culture, born through a traumatic and protracted birth-struggle.This batch is a romantic vision which simplifies the multiplex realities of the history of immigration in America in the nineteenth century. Scorsese, as menti matchlessd, is not interested in indicateing history, but to use the verisimilitude of history, the details and gritty realism of historical record, to paint a shimmertically believable portrait of myth a myth describing the birth of American culture in the fiery crucible of ethnic prejudice and competition.Historical detail is a device, not a theme while Gangs is accurate in detail, it is distorted and mistaken in its larger characterizations and interpretation. This should not be surprising Gangs of newfound York is a compensable enterprise. 2 If the films relevance to history is not one of accurate portrayal and realistic delving into the lives and events of the era d larger-than-lifeted, then from where does its importance to history derive?The answer to that question lies in the fact that while Gangs of New York may play fast and loose with historical accuracy, while it may alter the complex sociological realities of intercultural integration or lack thereof in Americas war-torn past, the film remains unaired to a central, thematic idea which is also a core-reality of American history that a nation which is ethnically diverse but upholds individual conversancy must in the end cast-away the ethnic and racial barriers and competitions of the Old earth in order to actualize the opportunities of the future.That core-idea is a core-principal of American De mocracy and it is a principle by which American history, including the American Civil War, has turned on as though upon an axis. The great value, historically speaking, of Gangs of New York is not in its depiction of history or its re-creation of historical events, but in the films vision of racism of cultural division and of American Democracy as a melting pot and also an warning which transcends race or specific culture.The problem in the presentation of this vision is that the Hollywood hero and villian paradigm, along with a stock formula of violence and greed, results in a film which buries these important themes beneath a slick albumenwash and this is a foolish simplification, a stereotype, and not the business of historians. Rather, the problem with Gangs is that it wants us to think that Irish gangsters were good by ignoring their racism while it wants to make us think others are bad because they are racist. This mannikin of pretzel-logic may make for an interesting and immediately understandable film, but it does diminished to shed light on history or on the dispersion of cultural tensions in America. The film is conspicuously incompatible with a slender or immersive reading of history. I do not personally belive that Gangs of New York accurately depicts the feelings of the people at the time or even the historical tensions themselves. Instead, the film Without the veneer of historical righteousness is just another Scorsese bloodbath among white men.With that in mind, there is merit in the films mythopoetic imagination of the emotional energy which explodes from Americas cultural diversity. Unfortunately, Gangs of New York fails to depict substantive and historically accurate characters who if shown realistically would be comprised of multi-faceted and perhaps mutually exclusive impulses and beliefs. In conclusion, while Martin Scorseses Gangs of New York faithfully represents the formulaic, Hollywood supposition of slick, effective commer cial film-making, the film fails to faithfully represent the historical hitch from which is ostensibly draws its setting, theme, and characters.While immigration can and should be rightfully regarded as a part of Americas mythopoetic past and also its mythopoetic identity, the historical realities of immigration and the actual historical ramifications of the cultural pressure-cooker that helped to birth America are absent from Gangs of New York. In their place, broad generalization, ethnic stereotyping, epic contrasts of good and evil, and the classical arc of the hero-myth are used to both simplify and stylize an aspect of American history which is too nuanced and too complex to be accurately depicted through such an approach.It is possible that Gangs of New York will inform a significant portion of its audience with the flavor of an historical period they might have otherwise missed observe altogether. However, in all liklihood, those who are stimulated to study this time-perio d by Scorseses poetic vision, will find themselves startled, and perhaps confused, by the amount of drama and profound thematic issue which were left out of Gangs of New York.

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