
Saturday, March 9, 2019

How Macbeth changes throughout the play Essay

Macbeth flummoxs off as a very knightly honourable man who is very loyal to the king. Macbeth must be devote worthy and looked up to as everyone is telling the king how well he has fought for Scotland, you can tell this by the captain saying yes, as sparrows, eagles, or the hare, the lion.If I say sooth, I must report they were as cannons oer charged with double cracks so they doubled and redoubled strokes upon the foe. This means they displace twice as many strokes on the enemy with his sword.Act1 gibe3 is the first condemnation we hear macbeth speak, his first nomenclature are the same as the witches words in act1 scene1 so foul and fair day I h sure-enough(a) up non seen As the witches speak he is slowly changing, I ideate he is conjectureing that it cant be true besides he really wants it to. When Ross tells Macbeth he is thane of cawdor he cannot remember it, he is kickoff to believe the witches he tests Ross the thane of candour lives. Why do you dress me in borr owed robesMacbeth is starting to live that there is a chance the witches are correct. If chance get fall out live with me king,why chance may crown me without stirIn scene 5 Macbeth is home ,his first words are Duncan comes here tonight This means that he hasw thought round the situation once again and again I also he has thought about killing him.Ww start to see Macbeth weaken as he starts to think of the concequences.He is no semipermanent the brave, furious man he has changed, he is now starting to think.Lady macbeth starts to grouse Macbeth names such as a coward and slowly seduces macbeth to changr his mind.I have done the deed Macbeth says this is a voice of worry, regret and this suggests disbelief.He starts to question did thoust not a noise he is looking for reasurance he is scared. This is not the Macbeth we know.He starts to question himself To know my deed, twere best not know myself.He plays it very well asif he doesnt know what has happened.He slays the servant s to make it look like it was not him.He is not man enough to kill banquo himself so he has murderers do it for him. In one speech he talks about him and banquo,he gives clear insructions to do it properly or else ill kill you.When Macbeth findsn out they did not suceed he is infuriated. Macbeth sees banquos ghost in his armchair and asked who put him there, his head is in the altogether?He is hallucinating,Lady Macbeth tries to calm him down but she cant he is to scared, he is not man enough to face his problems.As a outgrowth of this experiance he decides to re acquire to the witches.The first aparrition says beware Mc Duff tahne of fifeMacbeth thinks but cant really make any sense of it.He gets anxious had I three ears, I here thee.He is feeling as high as a kite as none of muliebrity born shall detriment him he feels super, on top of the world, he knows he can be as ruthless as he pleases.He is even more unconcerned now as cthe wood can never move so far. He is now so stro ng assured and confident it is some unreal.Macbeth has McDuffs family killed this shows how ruthless he is now.After a long pull out we next see him in act5.He finds out that the army are plan of attack he asks for his armour, he tells them hell fight them all, he is extremeley confident.He finds out that the woods are coming closer and he is effected tremendously, at this date there is only one life line left.He finds out brothel keeper macberth is dead he takes a minute but is not that bothered, hes concentrating on his battle ahead.He kills young siward and brags that he was cleaning woman born and he laughs at swords. Macbeth hears turn hell hound turn ,at this time hes thinking oh my god, he says none of woman born shall harm macbeth. McDuff says McDuff was from his mothers womb untimeley ripped at this time macbeth realises that he is red ink to die.He refuses to fight but McDuff tells him he will be put on show in scotland so he rises and fights.At this point we see th e old macbeth the strong, brave, lion hearted, heroic macbeth we have always known.McDuff kills macbeth , but I dont think macbeth would of wanted to die any other way as he was fighting.I think the witches told him one thing that meant something else but Macbeth was all von Braun and no brain.He changes in this play many times from good to deadly to brave to loyal to deciving.He ends the play by dying in style.

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