
Monday, March 4, 2019

A Health and Fitness Company Essay

You atomic number 18 a summit meeting executive in your corporation. After careful consideration, you were selected to work on a project to apply MIS to change the way commerce is run. In a group of 5, you testament be responsible for researching the practices in your industry, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the industry, and pass water an innovative plan to use MIS to improve on current practices. Fin altogethery, you go away be required to submit a typed survey and deliver an viva voce presentation to the board of directors undermentioned these guidelines Your survey MUST include the following side headings1. History and Background (provide detailed information or so the industry, old and present business model/practices, the industrys strengths and weaknesses) 2. Target node (identify the target customer in terms of age, gender, income, location, needsand so forth pose your customers needs changed over the years? Are all their needs set up? Is there a ga p between customers needs and market offerings?) 3. opposition (who is your opposition? What are your plans to en indisputable that you are steps ahead of your competition and how will you respond to changes in the competitive environment?) 4. Survey and Results (you are required to design a survey to help you with your project. Be sure to include a copy of your survey questions, sample sizing, summary of results, and recommendations)5. Proposed persona of MIS (explain how MIS will benefit your industry/corporation. Provide details of the benefits and challenges of using MIS in your industry/corporation) 6. Implications (what are the implications of the suggested use of MIS on the industry?) 7. Financial Benefits (what are the costs and financial benefits of using your proposed plan? Explain the impact on revenue, fixed costs, variable costs, initial investment, training, implementation, customer acquisition, customer retention, and customer satisfaction) 8. The next (what chang es do you foresee in the future of your industry/corporation? How will you respond to changes in technology, processes, competitive environment, customers taste/needs, economic environmentetc.?)The purpose of your research is to a) provide you with an opportunity to learn more about a specific industry and the current processes used b) Identify opportunities to use MIS to change how business is run and improve on current business practices.All group members must participate in the preparation of the pen report and delivery of the oral presentation. Do not read straight off from your report (you may use index cards to remind yourself of of the essence(p) points), face the audience when presenting. Allow time for questions from the audience and be disposed(p) to answer them. Audience members must be prepared to ask questions also. Your report must be TYPED, double-spaced, use Times New Roman size 12 font for body of report. Include a cover scallywag (with all group members names, title (Industry/corporation), date, presented to Prof. Eshra) and a correctly formatted references page (APA) for all sources used (minimum of 5 different sources).Prepare a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides to use when presenting your report. Before your due date, you are required to submit a printed copy as well as an electronic copy of 1. Your report (10 pages minimum excluding cover page/table of contents/references) April 6, 2013 2. PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides)-Submit on the day you present Be as creative as you can to capture the attention of your audience (use of multimedia, original digital pictures, on the spur of the moment videos is encouraged).

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