
Monday, March 4, 2019

Medieval baghdad

Europe there was the Saxons, the Vikings and the franks, these were the three sides of conflict. Europe was filled with violence, illiterate people, superstitious notion and no medical have a go at itledge. They still believed that disease was caused by evil booze or god(s).. The Islamic empire can reveal a compliance for knowledge from all cultures this made it significant. In their hospitals and pharmacies they would let anyone practice as a doctor. Also they would let anyone be a patient no matter what culture, country or religion. This reveals that the Islamic empire was religiously tolerant.It also is remarkable as the scholars were the first people to build hospitals with divers(prenominal) wards for different illnesses. The scholars also collected knowledge from all countries and religions because it didnt what race you are, if you have bleak knowledge it was valuable. They collected knowledge from India, china, Greece, Italy, all all over the empire in fact it would t ake someone a whole year to go from one side of the empire to the other. This shows that they were willing to give up at least a year of their time to collect knowledge.Medieval Baghdad should be remembered for the contribution it made to our lives today. The scholars discoveries in medicine are still applicable today as they were the first people to do complicated surgeries. This includes cesareans and midriff surgeries. What was remarkable was the fact that they had a 60% success rate on the eye surgeries. Our knowledge of medicinal practices would not be advanced if it were not for them. The scholars gathered information like a new way of compose numbers. This meant that they could write all the numbers from O to infinity with only 10 humbly.The person who did this was called AAA-Swarming. In fact we would not have any computerized engineering science without the numbers O or 1. This resulted in change as they effectuate a whole new way Of writing numbers which truly made c alculations easier. The layout of the urban center of Baghdad which had double walls and only certain places that you could innovate inspired the design of the castles in Europe. Our castle would not the same in any way, shape or form if it were not for the architects designing the city of Baghdad.Also they would not have defended s well if it were not for them either. The reason we do not remember Baghdad for what it used to be is because there is no record of the books they wrote or that they collected the knowledge. Baghdad lost power over its empire as the smaller caliphs decided that they did not want to know more about science, math or astronomy. People called the Mongols destroyed the subroutine library which had held all of the books and knowledge that they had spent so long collecting.

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